Fear, and Faith

Organizations and managers crave certainty. That's why the spreadsheet was invented. Put a lot of them in a three-ring binder, sprinkle in some pie charts, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief.


Moments of Mastery

Groundhog Day” is the greatest movie about leadership ever made. Its lesson? We build mastery in our lives one moment at a time.

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How Your Problems Save You From Misery and Failure

Six terrible, shadowy forces roam this world, all of which have taken aim squarely at you with the purpose of making your life -- and your work -- a long, agonizing slog full of failure and misery.





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I am a teacher, coach, and advisor.

I believe great leaders (and their companies and organizations) must strive to think and act small in a large world, simple in a complex world, and caring in an indifferent world.

Work is broken. It will be fixed not by technology, or a process, or a system, but by fixing our humanity.

Let's have a conversation. Drop me a note, or call, anytime.